I don't know if you heard about this but Rihanna sued her accounting firm Berdon LLP not to long because she claims that they mismanaged her finances and did not let her know that her 2009 Last Girl on Earth tour was not making money but actually losing money.
Well guess what, they are striking back against the allegations and saying that they had absolutely nothing at all to do with the lost of Rihanna's millions. Berdon strikes back in legal docs that say that the accusations of financial mismanagement are not based in truth.
Basically Rihanna's ex accountants her say that it was her own fault for losing all that dough. Gotta keep your eye on your own funds. Personally, I just don't understand how anyone (no matter how busy you are) can just put complete trust in someone else to handle their finances. You should know something about what is going on with your stacks and not be completely oblivous. I'm just sayin'.
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